Access Bars/Access Consciousness
Holistic Energy Therapy
The Bars' is the name given to the 32 points in the head where we store our thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas from this or other lifetimes.
How many of the following apply to you?
You’re tired all day, but when your head hits the pillow at night, your brain goes into overdrive, and you can’t sleep.
You’re constantly exhausted or high on adrenaline – you can’t seem to relax into your life and achieve a happy “medium.”
You’ve tried meditation, yoga, journaling, and more – but you can’t quiet your mind for long enough to feel the benefits, OR you’re finding it exhausting keeping up with all of these practices.
You’ve tried every wellness practice on the block, and then some, and nothing seems to help you relax.
Only £48 per session
Access Bars
The Bars® are 32 points on the head that store the electromagnetic component of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, and considerations as they are stored in the brain. Access Bars is a gentle touch hands-on alternative therapy technique that was introduced by Gary Douglas in 1990. When activated, The Bars can help facilitate reduction of stress and trauma throughout the body and increase positive attitudes toward life.
An Access Bars Session, often referred to as "having your Bars run" is when a Bars Practitioner or Facilitator lightly touches The Bars. This process begins to release the electromagnetic charge or polarity of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations and decisions as it is stored in your brain.
Bars sessions can be anywhere from 10 to 90 minutes; usually 10 to 20 minutes for an introductory taster or mini Bars session and 50 to 90 minutes for a full Bars session.
Typically, you lie on a massage table or sit in a zero gravity chair. There is no need to remove any clothing. Only the head, hands and feet (optional) are touched. It's nice to have a blanket on hand, as sometimes your body temperature may change.
When The Bars are lightly touched, they begin to release the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and limiting programs that no longer serve you.
This process releases hundreds of thousands of points of view which are limiting you in different areas of your life and body. These areas include body, aging, healing, sexuality, money, joy, sadness, awareness, control, creativity, plus many more. What would it be like to have more freedom in all these areas?
Having your Bars run tends to be a relaxing and nurturing process. At worst you'll feel like you've had a great massage. Best case scenario, your whole life will change into something greater with total ease!
What is most often reported is that there is a sense of deep relaxation. Many people go to sleep – even in a very noisy environment. Some people have images come to them, others see colors, or feel sensations in their bodies such as buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitches or shivers.
Everyone is different so there is no “normal” Access Bars session. Each session will be different, every time, even if you repeat with the same person. The best way to find out what Access Bars will be like for you is to try it for yourself!
Are you willing to give yourself an hour to change your life? Book an Access Bars Session Today!
Access Bars has been reported to help with stress reduction, deep relaxation, ease of sleep, dissipating mind chatter, reducing overwhelm, decreasing negative and limiting thought patters, changing negative behavioral patterns, improving overall wellbeing, and increasing feelings of happiness and gratitude.
When The Bars are lightly touched, they effortlessly and easily release anything that does not allow you to receive. The Bars release decisions about any area of your life that you have made solid and as a result cannot change. The Bars begin to dissolve judgment from within.
When The Bars are lightly touched, the brain waves actually slow down, allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems, and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed. The brain wave’s change from beta waves, which are attentive mode, to alpha/theta waves, which are relaxed/fall asleep mode. Brain wave measurement shows increased brain coherence after receiving The Bars. Access Bars optimize brain performance, increase concentration ability and improve emotional stability.
Access Bars is a holistic complementary therapy that activates the body’s innate ability to self-heal. The Bars does not interfere with any conventional or alternative treatment or therapy and has been found to increase the capacity and potency of other healing modalities.
The purpose of Access Consciousness® is to create a world where no judgment of self neither of anyone else would exist. Its aim is to bring you to recognize your creative power, to the extent where you can change everything that is not functioning in your life.
Access is totally different from any other technique. Its simple tools empower you to choose for yourself, to recognize your knowing and follow it with ease, to step out of automatisms, limitations, doubts, fear and become the life that you have always known should be possible.
The Access mantra is: All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.
What if all of life comes to us and what if we finally allowed ourselves to receive it with ease?
What if the meaning of life is to have fun?