I was talking to a friend today, who I’ve met in the gym, about energy because she was saying she has just started on her spiritual path.
I told that I was an Access Consciousness practitioner, and also a Reiki master
She had heard of Reiki but not access and asked me to explain more,
Explaining Access Consciousness
I normally always start by saying
Science has proven we are all billions of tiny atoms vibrating at an incredible speed, which makes us, and everything around us look and feel solid.
I also explained that access consciousness has been scientifically proven, also
Access Consciousness is also known as Access Bars
It is a treatment where you lie on a bed fully clothed, and I, the practitioner, will touch your head lightly, it’s as simple as that.
Tools used in Access Consciousness
After your treatment, I give you some tools or statements to use which will help you.
She looks at me and says Tools?
I tell her not those tools that a tradesman would use, these are more like affirmations, let’s say.
I told her
There are a lot of tools in access bars to help us shift negative feelings, anxiety and even headaches, she looked at me and said, even headaches I said yes
Access consciousness has taught me that even having a headache might not be mine, yes, it sounds crazy, but believe me when I say it has worked for me and still does at times
She was intrigued, she asked me to explain more so
The Energy in Access Consciousness
I gave her an example of what Dain Heir, who’s a co-creator of Access Consciousness, used in his book, The Body Whisper
Have you ever walked past someone and all of a sudden your knee or your back would start hurting? YES!
Then, most probably this is not your knee/back pain but the person you have probably just walked past (sounds too way out there,?
I gave her another example, I asked her, have you ever gone to the gym really looking forward to your workout, feeling great knowing you’re going to feel better after it
You walk in and bam you start feeling insecure, thoughts pop into your head like I’m too fat, omg my where are my muscles
I can’t use this machine, yes?? Well, that’s you picking up on other people’s thoughts and feelings
Here's something else, Dain mentions he says that 98% of our thoughts and feelings are not ours, yes, 98% can you believe that, so you could be feeling down or have a negative thought and it’s most probably not yours.
How crazy does that sound to you?
She was amazed, so I gave her one last example and asked her
Have you ever been feeling great, full of energy, you go to the supermarket and you’re standing in line and you start yawning and all of a sudden you start feeling tired, that could also be you picking up another person's energy.
We have clearing statements to help us remove this negativity energy/ or thinking
I need this, she says, book me in and so I did.
Energy is a big topic, so I will be blogging about this again, especially on how crystals hold different energies, and how they can help us in our work, home and their protection values too.
But let me leave on saying this
Access consciousness is a wonderful energy treatment which helps dissipate negative emotions, feelings, thoughts and can also calm down a monkey mind
So why not give it a go at worse you will feel like you’ve had a good massage and at best your whole world could change
How can life get better than this
(That’s another tool we use)